We know his trademark bowtie and voice of halting poise like a slow-burning campfire to illumine the brows of nobles. This vision makes me still wonder why Professor Bolaji Akinyemi’s acts as Nigeria’s external affairs minister did not earn him the tag of “bow-tie diplomacy.” Beneath his jaws and over his not-generous height, we saw his head sometimes bow as though to the ties. They materialised in panoply of colours: red, black, blue, etc.
It did not occur to IBB, his boss then. IBB did it to others with a sort of sardonic non-speech, with a shadow of a smile, as though he had said nothing, or he knew he said it and had forgotten about it. Like an innocent dropping a bomb in a market. Just as he called his media adviser “double chief,” or when he asked his police chief, “Where is Anini?” He was accustomed to discovering a right phrase to characterize an adviser, tease a friend or even lampoon a foe.
But whatever it was, the least of Professor Akinyemi’s worries today is his fashion. Or how a nifty bowtie wove into the delicate ardour of his diplomacy. Spending an hour with him in his Opebi residence in Lagos, you saw a man who knows the world, who studies it, but as he turns 79 today, bemoans it. He bemoans his country more, though, even as an optimist.
He is sad that Nigeria is where it is today with all its potential when he was minister, a professor of international affairs and history, a participant in the maelstrom of the interactions of nations. He had traveled east and west, met heads of states, jousted in conferences, staked Nigeria’s pride, confronted the hubris of nations, of clever tyrants and bemused democrats.
He was a consequential minister because he was a minister also as scholar, coalescing his ideas from the ivory tower and fermenting them for the master’s use as first minister to the world. But the ideas began fermenting long ago, when he was a school boy at Igbobi College, and Christ School Ado-Ekiti, as an undergraduate student at Temple University in Philadelphia, at Fletcher School of Law and diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts and Trinity College, Oxford England.
Not only as student, but also as lecturer, a visiting professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, at University of California, Los Angeles. Here in Nigeria he taught at the University of Lagos, during which time he was visiting Fellow at St. John’s College, Cambridge.
Almost as though he had to prepare to become minister as scholar-adviser, he was director general of the Nigerian Institute for International Affairs, after which IBB picked him as minister. He left that office in 1987, after about two years. Yet after that, his name gained currency in the dynamic of transition to democracy. Some thought IBB wanted him to succeed him, and efforts were set in motion for a possible civilian berth for a President Bolaji Akinyemi. But as we saw in the rigmarole of that era, Akinyemi was better in his place as international pundit than in the puddle of high stakes political gambit, where the higher the stakes, the bigger the steaks, like MKO Abiola.
Few saw their time as minister on that portfolio as Professor Akinyemi saw his time. It was not a portfolio to junket, but to play an Archimedean card: move the world. He had no illusion that Nigeria was a big player like the United States, or Russia, or the European nations who were racing after Winston Churchill’s dream of a United States of Europe. He had an idea about Nigeria. He saw the east and the west as different orbits. He saw that the dream from Josip Broz Tito of the non-aligned world was tearing apart as the two big powers tried to suffocate the Yugoslav’s fantasy. He thought Nigeria was not a big name in the Non-aligned movement. So, he developed an idea of the Concert of Medium Powers. At that time, he saw Nigeria as a medium power. Would he even think that today of Nigeria, which at that time had developed a defence industry at the same time with countries like Brazil.
To battle Boko Haram, we cannot even make a bomb or a rifle. We scamper to Europe, to Russia, and even as evidence shows from the EndSar protests, we even buy from central Europe. The concept of medium powers was a frustration over the mighty roars of the great powers, their fingers on the nuclear button, their economic swagger, their decision to decide who produces and who cowers. They tell us who is a great Nigerian, what is right for us and how. We are just there to kowtow to the logic of their narratives.
The same Nigeria he was gung-ho about has an army whose tail coils between its legs when the ragtag militants rumble near, when they slit like butchers the necks of farmers, when they run rampant with school boys in their hundreds and take them on long treks reminiscent of armies of surrender. When a president cannot stop them in his neighbourhood, when mothers tremble for their daughters’ lives, especially their virginal integrity. How can such a nation belong to a concert of powers? How can it even define itself as a power at all?
That must be Professor Akinyemi’s frustration today. He was a diplomat as dreamer, but he knows that diplomacy is not about jaw-jaw, it can be a threat of war-war. They say diplomacy is about threats, bribes and lies. But you cannot do any of these without some sort of armory, either in your bank or barracks. William of Orange of England did not need to shed a drop of blood to send King James1 scampering out of town. The threat was the invasion. That is why the professor must be sad today. Diplomacy is a measure not only of your cleverness but also of your economy. Who will respect a nation whose Naira exchanges for close to 500 to a dollar?
We cannot forget that it is the idea of the Nigerian potential heft that inspired him to suggest making a black bomb, a renaissance of the African warrior. But today, a country that merits that league of medium powers, United Arab Emirates, has launched a rocket into space. Rather we are borrowing rockets to maul forest goons.
When Murtala Mohammed was head of state, he made a famous speech that “Africa has come of age.” That was decades ago, and the same continent, just like Nigeria, is still in toddler state. Akinyemi lamented the turn democracy is taking after a brief spell of hope on the continent. Even a quiescent country like Ghana experienced election violence that left a few dead. Whether it is Uganda, the Congo or Senegal, we are witnessing again a fever of barbarous impulses in politics. In Nigeria, we are taking it for granted that elections will be rigged, and the political office holders must be rogues.
Prof. Akinyemi is also alert to the power of China in the so-called developing world, its lack of finesse, its assertion of strength as rivalry to the United States, a concept that historians and political scientists like Graham T. Allison have called the Thucydides Trap, in which the rising power clashes with a declining one. It happened between Rome and Greece in the Peloponnesian War.
“My fate is wrapped around this belief in the future,” he says. “It makes me look like a fool,” he confesses. He says a third of the country is under the control of brigands, and “I cannot travel to my village without my heart in my mouth.” But he has a faith in generations to come. He has children and grandchildren, and he despairs it will happen under him. Yet, he says all those causing anomie today will die away and new generations will come.
On the National Think Tank, he laments that it has gone the way of other big ideas. Former President Yar Adua who believed in it died, and it has not really had much oxygen since. But he believes that “One great man will bring believers to himself” and rouse our nation. He reels out names like Stalin, Lenin, Churchill, Mandela, Nkrumah, and “wake up the giant in us.” Leadership comes and leadership goes. He is not despondent. He confesses to be broken-hearted sometimes.
The Prof still bursts with a scholar’s brio and a diplomat’s cunning, dissecting and suggesting. He helped give birth to The National Think Tank, an assembly of trusted thinkers. On his birthday, he would still, at breakfast, be looking quizzically at a country he once had an opportunity to save. Yet he is still looking for a way.