Magu had a pinfall. If it were once, we would say, it is okay. After all, he was only just smacking his lips over the Ngilari triumph. The former Adamawa governor’s drop signalled the first true and substantial victory in the war against corruption. So, it would be a draw; one for corruption and the other for EFCC and moral uprightness.
But Magu fell two other times. His ICPC counterpart fell once. So, if we were in a football pitch, it would be a clear shellacking, Magu’s EFCC grovelling 1-3. But the war against corruption does not answer to the arithmetic of sport. Ridding the nation of scums and scams is not about sums of scores from sweaty men and women on the pitch of play.
So, we are witnessing a sort of judiciary backlash over fiduciary fraud. As we say, corruption is fighting back. The losses have nettled the presidency. Hence it wants to get the EFCC back on track. It is afraid a sore thing has happened. The forces of graft have engrafted their lifestyle in the nation again.
It thought corruption was in the emergency ward. He breathed laboriously, his limbs wilting, his skin perforated with perspiration while the doctors were weary and out of wits to save the monster. But suddenly, they remind one of the phrase in Charles Dickens’ famous novel, A Tale of Two Cities. A man thought dead and forgotten is suddenly “restored to life.” Not because he dies in flesh and blood, but because his activities are out of sight and hearing.
Same to corruption. From the optics of the EFCC in the past two years, some thought the mighty bear had been subdued, even if not killed. They saw figures and big figures exposed. We witnessed their lean and humbled looks as they waddled like ducks to the court. We also saw the mien of a gladiator in Magu, soft-spoken, reticent but poised always to bring down the crook. In the words of Apostle James in the Bible, he gave judgment without mercy. Buhari, also austere like his employee, clucked quietly behind the rocks of the presidency.
Some now see it in the form of a revenant “restored to life.” They might even remember the phrase of the angel to the women who visited Jesus’ grave on the third day: “Why seek ye the living among the dead!”
Now the presidency thinks what is wrong is that the cases were strong, but the EFCC was naïve in its legal weaponry. It has not employed the right investigative strategies and its lawyers lacked the intellectual brio, subtleties and aggressiveness.
Yet when the stories first popped on the public radar, the targets were convicted generally in homes and offices in the country. So, why would Patience Jonathan who was no dollar millionaire hold such princely sum as $5.9 million in a bank account? How did Justice Ademola become so blessed that someone would, in the gladness of his or her heart, drape his wife with N30 million? Others wondered why Nigeria’s stolen money could easily become a lawyer’s fee of N75 million in the vault of feisty lawyer Mike Ozekhome? What of the election day hysteria man Orubebe, who was cleared because the money was still intact?
The problem with the cases is not that the lawyers were mentally porous, or the judges were tendentious errants, or because the investigations lacked an eye for detail. It is simple. We have left the war on corruption in the hands of the EFFCC or ICPC alone? The two agencies have become lone rangers in a war that can only be waged with every segment of the nation up in arms.
So, when a Patience Jonathan wins in court, she will feel justified. She believes the money was not stolen from the government? She may be right. And if she is right, that is the real problem. How did a first lady who was the president’s wife get so rich when she was only a permanent secretary in absentia and had no powers or access to the till?
If she did no contract, or inspired none directly, we cannot see a legal way to convict her. That is the issue. We see the war on corruption as a case of law when it should be about justice. When the spirit of the law convicts and the person defeats the law in letters, we live in a corrupt and unjust society.
The same applies to the case of Ozekhome. If Fayose pays a lawyer from the nation’s money, and we cannot retrieve that money, it is because Ozekhome is entitled to his fees. But what is the snag? That money is Nigerian and at the same time Ozokhome’s. Yet, we know that Nigerian money should not be used as fees to defend the allegedly stolen funds.
When such matters arise, the law fails us. We know our money has not been made available to us. We have fallen short of what the father of modern philosophy, Immanuel Kant, called “the categorical imperative.” There are some things that are so universally right that we have to do them. If we don’t, we shall not rest. Kant would say, all that money is in the wrong place, and we should bring the money back to where they should be: in our coffers.
To use the language in the Water Gate scandal of the Nixon White House, we should follow the money. The news source known as Deep Throat always urged the Washington Post reporters along that line.
We are not following the money because we want the ICPC and EFFC to do so. As this column has noted before, all societies that brought down the high and mighty brow of corruption did it with public participation. This involves all the professions, the civil society groups, market women, banks, house wives, etc. Nigeria is not the first to be undercut by the maggoty mush of corruption. England, France, the United States wallowed once all in the mire. The phrase prebendalism did not originate in Africa. It was a European rot where big men placed their fronts in offices to steal for them. They have reined that in. in the US, the progressive era highlighted a massive purge of bad eggs and it redounded in the rise of Theodore Roosevelt to the presidency.
Buhari needs to understand that convicting a man is not the same thing as dispensing justice. Just as my consistent assertion that the rule of law is a good thing, but we must have good men to enforce it. Or else we will have rule of law givers. Impunity can be explained within the law when we have bad judges who kowtow to an ethic that allows mere technicality to overshadow substantial justice.
The law is made for us and not man for the law. I am for the rule of law, but I want to get the right law and the right persons. Hitler and Napoleon in their dreary days abided by the rule of law. The US fought against rule of colonial law, just as Zik and Macaulay did here. Trump is bringing a racist template of law to drive out dark-skinned folks.
It is that same fidelity to obnoxious law that will set free thieves. Gani Fawehinmi once told me that if there is a case between a rich and a poor man, “I will find the law for the poor man.” So, the law is flexible. All I ask is that it be made for justice and not the law giver. To achieve that, the EFCC cannot work alone.
It can research all it wants, get great legal strategies. But the presidency needs to galvanise the society, so it can play its role. Racial injustice was upheld with the same laws that defeated it in the United States and Europe. Justice cannot come to a society that is not ready for it. Our institutions cannot be clean when we are dirty.
If we are ready to rid the nation of corruption, Magu would not have the pinfalls. To avoid such again, the pitfalls of an indifferent society must first be removed.